Jumo | Panel-mounting Thermostats KM-70 Series  12,000

Switching action
Lock-out facility on the protection temperature limiter STB

If the temperature at the probe exceeds the set limit, the circuit is opened and the microswitch locked out mechanically.
After the temperature has dropped below the danger temperature by about 10 % of the span, the microswitch can be reset manually.

Self-monitoring facility on the protection temperature limiter STB Failure of the measuring system, i.e. a leakage of the expansion liquid, causes the pressure under the diaphragm of the STB to drop, thus permanently opening the circuit. A reset is now impossible .

If the probe cools down to below -20°C (approx.), the circuit is also opened. As the temperature rises above -20°C (approx.), the STB has to be reset manually, by pressing the reset button.

Data Sheet
KM-70 Series
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